My current IP Address
City: Purchase
State: NY
The Internet and Business site had 730 visits in November, 2009.
The furthest user visiting the site from SUNY Purchase was in San Diego, CA.
NetFront had only one visit accounting for 0.09% of’s total traffic, making it the least used browser that has visited this site.
The keywords internet business wiki accounted for 100 visits to the site, more than any other keywords searched.
The outline and learning outcomes page had 593 page views, the most of any page on the internet and business wiki.
Goal conversion rate: 6.7%
Goal value for November 2009: $380.00
5% of home page visitors proceeded to the assignments page.
I included a link to Geico's web site for the following reasons:
Geico will give you a rate quote without ever visiting a showroom or speaking to a representative.
Geico allows you to manage all accounts and pay all bills electronically.
Geico's automated site keeps you updated on billing dates, rate-reductions, cancellations etc...
David might use the forum at to learn which products work best, which products require the least labor to install, which products best satisfy customers' needs, and which products are the best value to the customer.
Bathroom Fixtures-,,
Bathroom Remodeling-,,
These sites (especially the unsponsored manufacturer's sites) most likely came up first because the advertiser bid the highest for those keyword results.
Some of the most frequently used keywords displayed on Google AdWords were Bathroom Fixtures (550,000/mo), Faucets (2,240,000/mo), Bathtub (1,500,000/mo), and Bath Accessories (2,740,000/mo).
Cost of advertising using keywords:
Bathroom Fixtures $290.00-$510.00/day ($400 avg) Average CPC = $2.30
Bathroom Remodeling $120.00-$200.00/day ($160 avg) Average CPC = $2.30
Faucets $1,430.00-$2,330.00/day ($1,880 avg) Average CPC = $2.50
Average clicks per day:
Bathroom Fixtures 150-186/day (168 avg)
Bathroom Remodeling 58-74/day (66 avg)
Faucets 668-836/day (752 avg)
Using the most popular keyword "faucets":
$2.50 x 1 / 0.1 = $25.00 CPC Customer Acquisition Cost
752 (avg clicks per day using "faucets") x $25.00 = $18,800 spent on customer acquisition. I don't understand how his gross margin factors in, because David's yearly revenue (or profit) is not mentioned. However, based on the above figures, I would assume it would not make sense to use the most popular keywords on Google to advertise his business.
Using Twitter or Facebook, David could branch out to potential customers by 'friending' people in local networks. The more friends/fans his business has, the more local potential customers know of his business. 'Friends'/'Fans' of his business are displayed to their respective friends, and the potential customer base grows as his friends branch out to more and more users of the site.
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